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des Verstandes sein, d.i, Aber es war nur die Nachtluft, die Associate-Cloud-Engineer Schulungsangebot ging, Malfoy sagte Ron, der sich ebenfalls zu George gesetzt hatte und zornig zum Tisch der Slytherins hinüberstarrte.
You are configuring a multi-subnet IPv6 network for a regional office.
The corporate network administrator allocates the 2001:0db8:1234:0800: :/54 address space for your use.
You need to identify network IDs of the first and last subnets that you will be able to create at the office.
Which network IDs should you identify?
To answer, drag the appropriate network IDs to the correct subnets. Each network ID may be used once, more than once, or not at all. You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.
A. Internet Domain Name Registry (IDNR)
B. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
C. Internet Service Provider (ISP)
D. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Answer: C
Answer: D
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